Tuesday, June 9, 2009

'57 Heaven Museum Branson a Classic Look at Vintage Automobiles

Reviewed by Ashley of ReserveDirect.comThe ’57 Heaven Museum in Branson, Missouri showcases classic automobiles from 1957 along with the culture of the era. Stepping into the museum, which is located at the Dick Clark American Bandstand Complex, is like taking a step back in time as there is a drive-in movie, fire station, barbershop and old Texaco gas station that really drives the lifestyle of the era home. There are also exhibits throughout the museum that showcase fashions of the ‘50s as well as memorabilia from the decade that brought us great music and classic cars.

There are a myriad of automobiles to see at the museum as every car manufacturer from 1957 is represented at ’57 Heaven, including Buick, Chevrolet, Ford, Cadillac, DeSoto, Hudson, Nash, Studebaker, and Packard. As I made my way through a recreated “Hometown America,” I was impressed by the sheer variety presented. I viewed every American-made make and model of 1957 convertibles, including the Chevy Bel-Air Convertible, plus hard tops like the Hudson Hornet, pick-up trucks such as the Studebaker Transtar and station wagons like the Packard “Clipper” Country Sedan. An authentic Plymouth Belvedere police car, three body styles of the extremely rare Chevy El Morocco and the car that set the land speed record at the Daytona Beach Race in 1957 are also on display.

A stroll through the Branson ’57 Heaven Museum is a great way to reconnect with good old-fashioned Americana. It’s a nostalgic look at classic automobiles and the pristine condition of the cars, as well as detailed presentation will make car enthusiasts and tourists alike revel at the “wonder” years of automobiles.

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